
Discover your opportunities at our career day
at the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts


May 14th, 2024
4:00 – 5:20 pm

DLR Career Day – virtual!

On May 14th at 4:00 pm. our virtual career day will start. After registering, you will receive the WebEx access details via email. If you have any questions, please contact Kristiane Schuster: kristiane.schuster@dlr.de or 0711 6862-256


4:00 pm, Dr. Michael Schier and Dr. Hong Hanus

Welcome to our career event at the Institute for Vehicle Concepts Women+@FutureMobility. Here you can find out how the event works and how you can actively participate.

Who are we? What do we do? And what do we want to achieve together today? – Our institute will give you a first rough insight into the Institute for Vehicle Concepts and explain what to expect today.

Research with us

4:15 pm, Mascha Brost

Overview of daily research at the Institute of Vehicle Concepts from an employee perspective:

  • What research questions do we deal with?
  • How do we achieve more climate protection in transportation?
  • What methods do we use?
  • Which specialist disciplines do we work with?
    What is the working environment like?

Deep Dive – from the laboratory into the vehicle

4:25 pm, Veronika Stahl and Sebastian Scheibe

An exciting insight into the day-to-day work of a scientist at the Institute of Vehicle Concepts.

Thesis and job opportunities

4:45 pm, Mascha Brost

Thesis, dissertation, career – here you can find out why, how and where exactly you should get started at the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts.

Interested in becoming part of our team? You can always find all current jobs in our job portal: DLR – Jobs & Careers


17:00 pm, Dr. Hong Hanus, Mascha Brost and Veronika Stahl

Are you interested in a career at the DLR Institute of Vehicle Concepts and still have questions or would like some tips?

Farewell – feedback? Of course with pleasure!

5:15 pm, Dr. Hong Hanus

Thank you for taking part in our career event Women+@FutureMobility at the Institute of Vehicle Concepts! Please give us your feedback.